Krasnodar, 24 May – Yug Times. Anna Osmak, Avito Work's Key Account Manager.
Q.: What trends are observed in the Krasnodar region's labour market today?
A.: The main thing we can see in the region is the expansion of hiring boundaries. The group of vacancies for candidates with no experience and students grew by 147% in Q1 2024 compared to the same period last year. Another trend is fast hiring, which is in demand among both employers and job seekers. A survey showed that 62% of the respondents in the Krasnodar region started a new job in a month or faster, while for 37% of candidates it took up to two weeks to complete their last job search. We also see that Kuban residents continue to look for new career opportunities. More than half (60%) of them attempted to find a job at least once in the last year; 16% of the respondents regularly viewed and responded to job vacancies. At the same time, 41% of job seekers in Krasnodar region were interested in full-time work. But at the same time there was a demand for part-time work – 35% looked for such working mode. Twenty-three per cent of job seekers would like to find temporary part-time work.
Q.: What professions are the most popular among Kuban residents?
A.: The list of the most sought-after areas in the Krasnodar region in the first quarter of 2024 is topped by production and agriculture. Vacancies from these areas occupy 18% of the total number of job offers. Next in the top 5 are construction – 12%, sales – 9%, tourism and restaurants – 8%, and transport and logistics –7% of all job adverts published on the platform in the region.
According to our surveys, we see that for the majority of Krasnodar residents the size of salary is a decisive factor in employment - 69% of job seekers pay close attention to it. For 40% of respondents, flexible working conditions (the opportunity to choose a convenient schedule, etc.) are also important. Good reputation of the employing company and good feedback of employees about it were mentioned by 29% of the survey participants as decisive factors.
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