Krasnodar, 17 November – Yug Times. Our today’s interviewee is Nikolai Doluda, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma’s Committee for Nationalities Affairs, retiring Ataman of the all-Russian Cossack Society.
Q.: Why do you think you were appointed the first in the history Ataman of the all-Russian Cossack Society?
A.: I believe it was my work aimed at transforming the Cossack movement, and the Kuban Cossack Host’s participation on the V-Day military parade on 9 May in 2015. Since then, Cossacks march along Red Square every year. Then atamans (leaders) of district Cossack communities, provided they complied with the certain requirements, began to be appointed deputy heads of municipalities. I was invited to the Russian President’s Administration, where I was offered to lead the all-Russian Cossack Society. For four years already, I have been Ataman of the all-Russian Cossack Host.
Q.: What have you managed to do working as the all-Russian Ataman?
A.: Extensive work was accomplished over this period of time. The Charter of the All-Russian Cossack Society, signed by Vladimir Putin, was prepared and approved. Absolutely all Charters were developed in a unified understanding and to a unified standard about organisation of public service, combat training, and work with youth; they defined the development vector and the tasks of the Cossack education system. The next task was to organise close cooperation between federal, regional and municipal executive authorities and Cossack societies. It was decided to appoint atamans in all Russian regions as deputy governors or deputy heads of republics in charge of the Cossacks.
Q.: Why are you resigning from the post of Ataman of all-Russian Cossack Society?
A.: As a statesman, I understand the importance of developing the federal law “On Russian Cossacks” for their further existence and advancement. The law will define the rights and responsibilities of federal regional and municipal executive authorities, as well as Cossacks and Cossack societies. My plan will take one and a half to two years to implement, because it will be necessary to write and coordinate the concept of the material with all regions and structures.
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