Krasnodar, 22 September – Yug Times. Krasnodar Krai is reportedly one of the regions with the highest wage inequality in Russia.
In the region, the earnings of 20% of the most and least paid employees differ by 5.7 times, states FinExpertiza analytical service of the audit and consulting network. The least paid fifth part of the region’s residents earn about 20,400 roubles a month, while the average salary of the upper stratum reaches 116,400 roubles. It is noteworthy that at the end of 2021, the difference between the lowest and the highest incomes in the region reached 8.7 times (11,300 to 98,000 roubles).
“The salary inequality is gradually decreasing due to the faster growth of the labour income of the lower and middle strata. This primarily happens due to a significant increase in the official minimum wage, the next indexation of which in 2024 should further reduce the wage inequality. In addition, labour shortages are contributing to higher salaries of the line staff,” explains Yelena Trubnikova, FinExpertiza President.
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