Krasnodar, 17 February. The volume of car loans issued in Krasnodar Krai reportedly grew by 82% in 2021, while their number grew by 42%.
In total, banks issued 47,000 car credits to the total amount of 57 billion roubles, the National Bureau of Credit Histories (NBCH) announced.
The Kuban region became the fourth top Russian region by the volume of issued car loans, after Moscow (the total amount of car loans equalled to 138.6 billion roubles), Moscow Oblast (88.6 billion roubles) and St. Petersburg (77.4 billion roubles), and surpassing Tatarstan (43.7 billion roubloes).
“On the whole, issuance of car credits stayed at quite a high level last year,” NBCH Marketing Director Aleksei Volkov commented. “At the same time, the number of credits tended to fall over the second half of the year, while the average total of a credit grew, which eventually resulted in a record volume of car credits issued throughout the year.”
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