Krasnodar, 21 July. The Nature conservation commission of the Krasnodar regional branch of the Russian Geographical Society has announced the launch of a new project, “Protected natural territories and conservation of biological diversity of the Russian Caucasus.”
The research will be conducted in Krasnodar krai, Adyghea, and Daghestan. The main attention will be paid to NorthWest Transcaucasia, the steppes of West Precaucasia, the spits of the Saea of Azov, and the north-western part of the Black Sea coast.
The scholars want to know whether “natural areas of preferential protection” can be efficient in preserving the biological diversity and the rare genofond.
“The Russian part of the Caucasus is a unique natural area in terms of richness of the floristic diversity. It accommodates a big number of various insects, reptiles, amphibians, and mammals. In order to preserve the rare species, it is important to maintain the existing ecosystem within the natural area,” Svetlana Litvinskaya, Head of the Nature conservation commission and the author of the project, commented.
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