Krasnodar, 18 December – Yug Times. December 18 is the birthday of the Kuban parliamentary system: on that day in 1994, the first convocation of the regional Legislative Assembly opened. Today our interviewee is Yuri Burlachko, chair of the regional parliament.

Q.: What are the most important laws adopted by the deputies of the sixth convocation?

A.: If we are to unite the rule-making activity of all convocations, we should agree that our portfolio contains a big number of laws relating to all spheres of life in the Kuban region. The agricultural complex is known to be a leading industry in the region. A pledge of a good yield is fertile soil. Due to that fact, priority issues for the deputies are soil preservation and recovery, and observance of the regional law on ensuring fertility of the agricultural lands. In near future, we plan to supplement this law with new amendments.

We also continue to work on animal husbandry. The Law “On development of stockbreeding and manufacture of stock-farm products in the territory of Krasnodar province” is consonant with the President’s Address, and it is aimed at implementation of tasks providing for the national self-provision with meat and milk. We are doing our best to succeed in this sphere: next year, its financial backup from the regional budget will amount to 1.5 billion roubles. The subsidies will be earmarked for the farms that mean to increase their livestock population.

Q.: You mentioned that social laws are a priority task for the deputies. Bearing in mind that the family is the basic social unit, what is being done to support this institution?

A.: We pay tremendous attention to this issue. At the end of last year, we adopted a law providing for monthly monetary subsidies for needy families after the birth of a third and every following child within the period from 1 January 2019 until 31 December 2021, until the child achieves three years of age.

There are special measures meant to support families with many children. Say, the lease of land plots for such families granted before 1 March 2015 has been extended to twenty years.

Q.: The tourist industry is another important constituent of the region’s economy. How do the deputies take this factor into account?

A.: At the September session, we amended the regional law on resort fee. It was done to clarify the procedure of placing this money to the regional budget and the subsequent use of the resources of the Resort Infrastructure Development Fund, and to develop an effective control mechanism over this procedure.

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