Krasnodar, 17 January – Yug Times. Krasnodar residents spend an average of 2,700 roubles on holiday souvenirs. By comparison, Muscovites are ready to spend 3,200 roubles.

Avito Travel analysts surveyed 10,000 Russian residents to find out what souvenirs tourists buy most often, for whom, and how much they are prepared to spend on them.

More than half of Russians (59%) usually buy something as a souvenir or gift when travelling, and 29% of respondents always do so. In general, interest in buying souvenirs (always or often) is higher among women (65%) than among men (52%).

Holidaymakers tend to limit themselves to symbolic purchases: magnets, key rings, T-shirts, caps, mugs and other items with images of places of interest: 75% of respondents do this and 43% bring back gastronomic products from their travels: local cheeses, chocolate, spices, tea, coffee or alcohol.

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