Krasnodar, 6 August – Yug Times. Five municipalities have become leaders in terms of the growth rate of revenues to the regional budget. 

Kurganinsk district has the highest rates of contribution to the consolidated budget - 142.4%, narrowly followed by Brukhovetsky district (140.7%), Gulkevichi (139.2%), and Novopokrovsky (135.3%). The growth rate in Gelendzhik was 136.1 per cent. 

"Since the beginning of 2024, the consolidated regional budget has received almost 320 billion roubles of tax and non-tax revenues. The dynamics compared to the same period last year is positive - 112 per cent. Positive growth rates are noted for personal income tax - 133 per cent, or 97.5 billion roubles, which is by 24.2 billion roubles more than in the same period last year," said Vice Governor Igor Galas. 

In addition, the consolidated regional budget has collected 34.6 billion roubles in property taxes and 26.3 billion roubles in excise taxes, with the dynamics of 104.3% and 107.3%, respectively.

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