Krasnodar, 4 June – Yug Times. The Abrau Junior Summer Festival was held at Abrau-Durso resort to mark Children's Day.
It was attended by many families with children from Krasnodar, Rostov and other Russian regions. Fourteen themed locations opened in the Abrau-Durso Art Park.
The guests of the festival watched shows presented by the MC and DJ, and took part in dance, art and sports masterclasses. Game zones and areas for skateboarding, scooters, bicycles and balance boards were open for lovers of active lifestyle. In addition, visitors competed in archery and crossbow shooting, and other safe accuracy games.
There was an extensive programme for young explorers. It included masterclasses on mental arithmetic and speed reading, and a business school. The young guests tried their hand at various professions in the City of Masters, where they could do aeromodelling and plaster figure sculpting. The highlight of the holiday was a performance of the popular duet RASA.
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