Krasnodar, 30 January – Yug Times. The apartment blocks overhaul programme in the Kuban region has been extended for 40 years.
According to Viacheslav Shaposhnik, acting Minister of Fuel Power Complex, and Housing and Utilities Sector, until now the last period for which capital repairs were planned was 2041–2043. The amendments to legislation proposed to extend the programme for another 40 years, until 2082.
The need to increase its duration arose due to the fact that the duration of all or certain types of overhaul works of apartment blocks put into operation after the approval of the regional programme go beyond the programme’s duration. The proposed year to end the programme was determined taking into account the maximum inter-repair period (60 years) for apartment buildings included in the programme in 2022. As a result of the discussion, the regional MPs adopted the relevant laws in two readings at once.
Commenting on the extension of the overhaul programme, Chairman the Kuban Legislative Assembly Yuri Burlachko noted that the effective and reasonable maintenance of apartment buildings is an issue that is being much thought about by the voters.
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