Krasnodar, 27 October – Yug Times. The construction of a shelter for homeless animals has reportedly begun in Krasnodar. 

At present, the preparatory work is underway, which includes the planning of the land plot in Beriozovy Neighbourhood. At the first stage, it is planned to build the foundations for the buildings and enclosures, lay water supply and lighting networks, and fence the shelter. 

“The works have just started, and next year there the dog walking grounds, enclosures, a car park and administrative buildings will be built. We will keep under control the construction stages of this facility,” Sergei Storchun, Director of the Department for Municipal Infrastructure, Fuel and Energy Complex, noted. 

The need for a shelter in Krasnodar appeared long ago, and since then the problem was actively discussed. The institution should start working by the summer of 2024. 

Stray animals will be caught and kept in the shelter for 26 days. During this time the veterinarians will do the deworming, vaccination and sterilisation. After all procedures, the animals will be returned to their former habitat.

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