Krasnodar, 27 October – Yug Times. The Takhtamukai District Prosecutor's Office has reportedly ranged itself on the side of families with many children. 

“It was established that the Takhtamukai Rayon Administration in accordance with the current legislation allocated land plots to more than 200 families with many children for individual housing construction in the territory administratively belonging to Enem settlement. The inspection carried out by the Prosecutor’s Office showed that water, gas and electricity supply networks had not been connected to the plots allocated to these families as a measure of social protection. Also, contrary to law, the Enem authorities had not provided access to the land plots," the press service of the Adyghean Prosecutor's Office reported. As a result of the inspection, the District Prosecutor's Office submitted a statement of claim to court to oblige the Enem Town Administration to carry out works on laying and installation of water, gas and electricity networks and providing the allocated plots with a driveway.

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