Krasnodar, 4 October – Yug Times. Over the of the nine months of the year, the revenues of the Krasnodar city budget reportedly exceeded 46 billion roubles, including about 19.1 billion roubles collected as own revenues. It made up almost 75% of the annual purpose.
The financial results of the three quarters of 2023 were discussed last week at a staff meeting held by Krasnodar Mayor Yevgeni Naumov.It was noted that the income of the Krasnodar city budget grew by 14%, or 2.3 billion roubles, compared to the same period last year. According to the information provided by Director of the Department of Finance Aleksandr Chulkov, the biggest shares in the structure of local budget revenues were taken by personal income tax (7.9 billion roubles, or 41%); total tax (5 billion roubles, or 26.3%); and corporate income tax (2, 2 billion roubles, or 11.5%).
Local budget expenditures since the beginning of the year, taking into account the regional and own funds amounted to 45.8 billion roubles. Basically, the city budget was spent to finance the social sphere, whose share in the expenditures was 47 %, or 21,7 billion roubles. For road maintenance 3.7 billion roubles were allocated; and for housing and utilities – 3 billion roubles, including 1.9 million spent on landscaping and provision of public amenities. Another major expenditure item was capital construction (10.5 billion roubles).
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