Krasnodar, 14 September – Yug Times. The 15th Legal Forum of the South of Russia has reportedly taken place in Sochi. The Yug Times weekly became the media partner of the event, attended by about 220 leaders of the legal market, consultants and representatives of lawyers' organisations, and real sector law executives.
No foreigners came this year; however executives of international law firms operating in the Russian market did arrive at the event. Most of these companies repositioned themselves and retained their partners and clients, which is very important for the legal community.
The event’s agenda was focused on sanctions, business relocation, companies moving to free economic zones, and changes in the court practice. The participants discussed topics related to legal firm management and opening of offices Russian lawyers in Kazakhstan, Türkiye, UAE, Cyprus, and other countries. The main goal of such companies is to work with its foreign counterparties and receive payment for the products provided, as well as to retain the opportunity of working with the Western business community.
"This conference is aimed at solving and discussing acute legal issues that are on this year’s agenda and relevant for business and judicial practice. All issues may have conflicting points and gaps that need to be filled in connection with the current practice," said Yuri Pustovit, Yug Law Office’s Managing Partner.
"The participants of our forum shared their experience, the successes they had been able to achieve, and the "lumps" they had taken in the process of solving the emerging legal problems. Both the exodus of foreign business from Russia, and their replacement by companies from China, Türkiye, Kazakhstan, or Eastern countries are connected with legal work, with obtaining approvals from government commissions. We can also see a tendency for businesses to return from offshore jurisdictions back to the special administrative districts that were specially created for this purpose, while retaining the status of international companies.”
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