Krasnodar, 3 August – Yug Times. Since the beginning of the year, 260 scheduled works with social infrastructure have reportedly been implemented in Sochi. Say, eight kindergartens, four schools and Sports School No. 17 underwent current repairs of their premises in July. During the month, office equipment and interactive whiteboards were purchased for the city’s secondary schools. A string of kindergartens received new textile products and furniture. Current repairs were completed in the library on Donskaya Street and Sochi Art Museum. Renovation works were finished in Children’s Music Schools No. 1 and No. 3. 

As part of the urban landscaping works, many obstructing trees were felled or pruned, railings, stairs and pavements repaired, green zones arranged, and tower dustbins purchased. Fifty-three similar works have been scheduled for August. The city calendar for 2023 has scheduled 829 activities, of which 39 were carried out in July. The updated version of the calendar is available on the Sochi City Administration’s website.

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