Krasnodar, 12 July – Yug Times. On the background of increased offer (+18.7%), the demand for renting country houses grew by 70% in the Krasnodar region. 

The highest interest to cottages was observed in Crimea (+94%). “There are a number of factors that have contributed to the increase in demand for out-of-town rental properties, compared to May 2023. These include the period of proms in schools and universities, and the beginning of the holiday season, which is reflected by higher trends of resort regions,” explained Artem Kromochkin, Head of Avito Real Estate’s Short-Term Rental Branch. 

As on June 2023, the Moscow region was the most expensive place to rent a country cottage (on average, 17,000 roubles a day). The Krasnoyarsk, Novosibirsk regions and Udmurtia were a little cheaper (12,000 roubles in each). The thriftiest places to rent were in the Crimea (3,000 roubles), the Stavropol, Rostov and Krasnodar regions (5,000 roubles in each)

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