Krasnodar, 21 June – Yug Times. Тhirteen companies from the Krasnodar region presented their products at the Iran Agrofood-2023 exhibition in Tehran.
The regional Export Support Centre, together with the Department for Investments and Development of Small and Midsize Businesses, organised a collective stand in Iran for producers of cereals, pulses and oilseeds, and such food products as confectionery, groceries, canned vegetables, baking and laboratory equipment, and corrugated cardboards. The Kuban region is interested in cooperation with Iran in agribusiness, trade, transport, and it looks for an opportunity of interregional cooperation with Iran’s provinces. During the exhibition, the Kuban companies held over 100 meetings with Iranian businesses. They reached preliminary agreements on the supply of crops and sunflower oil. One Kuban producer signed a number of agreements to supply grain, pulses and oilseeds. Another company is looking into a possibility of deliveries of PET blowing lines to Iran. There are preliminary agreements to export sunflower oil from the Krasnodar region.
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