Krasnodar, 21 April. The Kuban Legislative Assembly has reportedly proposed to grant agricultural afforestation lands to land users without biddings. The deputies have backed the draft federal law “On amending Articles 39.6 and 39.7 of the Russian Land Code.”
The document suggests that the maximum amount of rent should not exceed the land tax, and that land parcels occupied by agricultural forests may be rented out to owners, land users, and lessees of the adjacent land parcels without holding biddings.
The deputies expressed confidence that by implementing this mechanism they will form legal mechanisms that will stimulate interest to legalization of the rights for such land parcels. “Agricultural forests had been planted in the [Krasnodar] region for decades,” Legislative Assembly Chairman Yuri Burlachko commented. “When they appeared en masse, the Kuban region forgot about ‘sandstorms’ that used to cause irrevocable damage to the region’s nature and economy by blowing the valuable black-soil humus off the ploughed fields.
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