Krasnodar, 4 March. The implementation of the project of a new residential neighbourhood in the eastern part of Krasnodar has reportedly entered an active phase. 

The area of the new neighbourhood will be about 3,000 hectares, and it is meant to accommodate 330,000 residents. The neighbourhood will border with Divny, Loris and Industrialny neighbourhoods. The project was ordered by the Krasnodar Mayor’s Office. 

By now, the area’s development concept has almost been completed; now it will be discussed with the professional circles and general public. 

“At present, there is a chance to build a genuinely new city by using new town-planning and architectural approaches and the city’s appeal,” Pavel Spirin, Director of the Scientific Research Institute of Urban Planning, announced. 

The north-eastern quarter of the city will include a medical cluster which will become one of its main growth drivers. Education will be another such driver, which is why the new neighbourhood will have a university campus and three vocational schools. The third driver will be culture and sports – the concept provides for quite a lot of interesting cultural and sports (rugby, an equestrian complex) facilities. Besides, there will be a large IT cluster in the neighbourhood’s centre and an amusement zone in its northern quarter. Lastly, an industrial zone will be located in the western part of the residential neighbourhood. 

The entire area of the neighbourhood will be divided into small segments. Each of them will get a description of its own, with parameters of facilities, terms and financing sources. Each residential project will have to be synchronized with social facilities, so that accommodation should not appear earlier than schools and kindergartens. To resolve this issue, the designers suggest that land plots be sold at bids in the framework of an integrated development concept. The contract that will be concluded after the bidding should contain all obligations to be assumed by the investor. If it would fail to fulfil them, the land plots would be withdrawn, and the investor should pay quite large penalties. However, representatives of the construction market and experts look differently at the project of the new neighbourhood. 

Some believe that it is no sense to talk of any large or longterm projects bearing in mind the current events. Vadim Kamalov, ex Director of the federal realtor company Etagi in Krasnodar, said that the project may soon lose its topicality and be wound up. 

Others say that the city’s development should be borne in mind at any case. Vladimir Kravchenko, Development Yug Marketing Director, disclosed information that his company had long ago bought a large land parcel in the new neighbourhood. 

Natalia Gulchevskaya, Deputy Director of Neftestroiindustriya Yug Construction Company, announced that her company was not planning to buy land plots in the new residential neighbourhood. 

Ilya Volodko, CEO MACON Consulting Company, agreed that the development possibilities for Krasnodar are limited, and many neighbourhoods have exhausted their potential and land resource. This is why, he said, an opportunity to open up even several hundreds of hectares for development must be assessed as a positive factor for the realty market.

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