Krasnodar, 20 February – Yug Times. In 2020, the Krasnodar-based Magnit retail chain will reportedly open 1,100 drug-stores.
Last year, the company opened 1,176 Magnit Kosmetik shops, of which 525 (44%) were located next to Magnit’s convenience shops.
“Drogerie, or drug-stores are currently the most successful format of Magnit shops. We are happy with its development dynamics in 2019,” Ruslan Ismailov, Magnit Retail Management Director, commented. “This year, we will proceed with the expansion - we plan to open about 1,100 stores, and adapt their assortment to the customers’ wishes.”
In 2019, Magnit divided its drugstores into three clusters. The company announced that every day about a million customers call on its Magnit Kosmetik shops. The net retail proceeds of the given format grew by 25% and reached 109.7 billion roubles in 2019. Magnit Kosmetik’s like-for-like sales grew by 3.1%, thereby showing the best dynamics among all shop formats of the company. The drogerie’s share in Magnit’s total sale proceeds grew to 8.7%.
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