Krasnodar, 21 January – Yug Times. The pace of construction of mar- tial arts centres was discussed last week in Krasnodar at the meeting chaired by Aleksandr Nesterenko and Aleksandr Vlasov, Deputy Gov- ernors of the Kuban region.
The meeting also addressed the status of individual facilities. The centre of martial arts in Aps- heronsk is 45% complete. The construction team is currently focused on reinforcement of the welded seams and application of fireproofing compounds to metal structures. The construction of the Belorechensk Wrestling Centre is proceeding with internal finish- ing, electrical installation works, and landscaping. In Starovelich- kovskaya village, landscaping of the territory and construction of an access road are underway. Con- struction and installation works are ongoing in Poltavskaya village.
The centre of martial arts in Ust-Labinsk is 72.5% complete, in Labinsk it is 37% complete, and in Temriuk it is 40% complete. The sports facility in Novopokrovskaya village is 65% complete. In the vil- lage of Agoy, Tuapse district, the installation of foundations and the metal frame of the building is underway. Foundation works and installation of engineering net- works are ongoing at the facility in Gulkevichi. The wrestling hall in Ge- lendzhik is 30% complete. Work is at the initial and preparatory stages in Krasnodar and Goriachi Kluch.
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